
RT3S Dual Band DMR Radio Non-GPS/Built-in GPS



RT3S dual band digital ham radio uses Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Tier 2 Standard   protocol. It is compatible with the popular MOTO TRBO series Tier I and   II using standard encryption, It is also compatible with any existing   analog two-way radio operating on the supported UHF and VHF frequencies   for easy migration to digital technology. 

It is compatible with the popular MOTO TRBO series Tier I and II using standard encryption, as well as other makes and models of DMR supported radios.

Up to 3000 channels ,for extremely complex organizational communications.

lone worker is an employee who performs an activity that is carried out in isolation from other workers without close or direct supervision.Helping people minimize risk and injury.

GPS gives you a clear idea of your location even in the wild. Use it to find your way or to help others find you.

RT3S Dual Band DMR Radio Built-in GPSRT3S Dual Band DMR RadioRT3S GPS Dual Band DMR RadioRT3S GPS Dual Band DMR RadioRT3S DMR Digital Walkie Talkie Ham RadioRT3S VHF UHF Dual Band VFO GPS APRS




General specifications
Frequency 136-174&400-480MHz
Channels 3000
Frequency Stability ±1ppm
Operating Temperature -30℃~+60℃
Operating Voltage 7.4V DC
Dimension 131 x 61 x 36mm
Weight 258g (with battery)
Battery Type Li-ion
Battery Capacity 2000mAh
Antenna Impedance 50Ω
Audio Impedance 1W@16Ω
Channel Spacing 12.5KHz
Vocoder AMBE+2™
Power High≤5W, Low≤1W
Frequency Stability ±1.0ppm
Adjacent Channel Power ≤-60dB
Free Time Slot Power TDMA:≤57dBm
Hum and noise -40dB@12.5KHz
Spurious radiation Antenna:9KHz-1GHz ≤-36dBm        1GHz-12.75GHz ≤-30dBm
FM modulation mode 11K0F3E@12.5KHz
4FSK digital mode 12.5KHz(data only):7K60FXD12.5KHz(data and voice):7K60FXW
Modulation maximum deviation 2.5KHz@12.5KHz
Nonactive slot power -57dBm
Digital Protocol ETSI-TS102 361-1,-2,-3
Audio Response +1~-3dB
Modulation BER(bit error rate) ≤5%
Analog Sensibility 0.2µV@12dB SINAD
Digital Sensibility 0.25µV(BER:5%)
Adjacent Channel Selectivity ≤-60dB@12.5KHz
Intermodulation ≤60dB
Spurious Response ≥70dB
Audio Response +1~-3dB
Rated Audio Distortion <5%
Rated Audio Power 1W
Modulation ≥45dB@25KHz≥40dB@12.5KHz


  1. GPS
  2. Use time-division multiple-Access 
  3. (TDMA)digital function 
  4. Dual time slot for repeater 
  5. Dual time slot for point to point 
  6. Firmware upgradeable 
  7. Lone worker 
  8. Encryption function 
  9. Compatible with Mototrbo TierⅠ&Ⅱ
  10. Single call,group call and all call 
  11. Analog and digital combiend
  12. Remote kill /stun and activate 
  13. Up to 3000 channels 
  14. Transmit interruption 
  15. Group call match(promiscuous)
  16. Private call match(promiscuous)
  17. Record
  18. Emergency Alarm
  19. VOX
  20. TOT

RT3S Dual Band DMR Radio Non-GPS/Built-in GPS
