Sky Rover

Sky Rover 130 APO PRO F/7 Telescope



Sky Rover recently introduced the upgraded version (v2023) of 130mm APO PRO F/7 telescope.

130mm APO PRO telescope continues to feature a special steel lens cell, with improvements made to the lens glass calibration process and fixation method to enhance stability and improve image quality.
It no longer includes a rotating mechanism at the rear of the tube. Instead, the tube is directly connected to the focusing mechanism, resulting in higher mechanical axis stability compared to previous versions. The redesigned focusing mechanism has improved manufacturing standards and offers a more secure working state. The end of the focusing tube now integrates the new v2 field rotator, with laser engraved angle indicators for smoothly operation.

To accommodate the upcoming high-performance optical accessories from us, the v2023 model has shifted the flange plate of the lens forward. This allows for easy adjustment using a hex wrench without the need to remove the light shield during focus plane calibration. The classic three-group adjustment method is used for the flange plate, ensuring convenient operation. Note that the telescope is calibrated before leaving the factory, so users generally do not need to perform any adjustments themselves.

The v2023 model adopts new wide dovetail plate, designed according to the Losmandy standard. Its curved lines and combination of subtle arcs and straight edges add a touch of playfulness and warmth to the equipment. The wide plate measures up to 450mm in length, providing numerous fixed hole positions and slots for balancing the telescope and mounting accessories.

Optional reference for accessories



Model: 130 APO PRO apochromatic telescope
Diameter: 130mm
Focal length: 910mm
Focal ratio: F/7
Optics: Triplet elements, air-spaced apochromatic, including a piece of Super ED
Coating: FMC
Focuser: 3.7-inch R&P two speeds focuser
Body: made of aluminum alloy, tractable dewshield
Size: about 800 mm (Fully Retracted)
Weight: OTA about 11kg
Standard: 2-inch to 1.25-inch adapter.
Packaging: Aluminum case and double-layer cartons
Optional: 1.25-inch or 2-inch diagonal, 1x flattener, 0.8x reducer flattener and various astronomical standard interface eyepieces, binoviewer, etc.

Basic Structures

(1) Eyepiece side                      (2) CAA                        (3) Focuser                            (4) Finder base                  (5) Handle                 (6) Dewshield
(7) Fine focus wheel               (8) Coarse focus wheel          (9) Knob of tube rings       (10) Dovetail plate                              (11) Tube ring  

Work Show

(Pictures are for reference only)

Product Show

Sky Rover 130 APO PRO F/7 Telescope
